So, you have successfully grown one several rounds of plant pods in your Click & Grow 25, and would like to start fresh.
It is recommended to clean the water tank from time to time to ensure the best possible conditions for your plants to sprout and grow. Depending on your region, there may be some hard water build-up inside the water reservoir. Sometimes, some green algae may even appear - to avoid this, it is recommended to keep the top of the water tank covered with the plant trays at all times to keep light from shining inside the tank.
To clean your Click & Grow 25 water tank, unplug your unit, pull out the drawer holding the water tank and proceed with pouring out the water from the reservoir. Then, rinse the water tank carefully with warm water. This may be easier if you have the chance to place the reservoir in the shower or bath to avoid splashing too much. You may add a little amount of dish detergent for an extra clean tank. If there is some algae or limescale build-up, this can easily be dissolved with some mild food vinegar or citric acid solution.
Rinse again thoroughly and dry gently with a paper towel.
Also, don't forget to clean the trays and wicks as they are re-usable!
The plant trays can also be washed in the dishwasher, but do not use temperatures higher than 60 °C / 140 °F. Please remove the wicks and plant pods or any plant matter before putting the product into the dishwasher. We do not recommend putting any other parts of your Click & Grow 25 into the dishwasher.
In case of a pest infestation, it is necessary to wash and disinfect the whole Click & Grow 25 thoroughly, and leave the garden completely empty for at least 3 weeks before planting the next round of pods. This helps to ensure that the pests will not reappear. For instance, ethanol is a good option to use for disinfecting.