All Click & Grow devices are designed to monitor the water levels mechanically. When the water level indicating float drops to the bottom of the tank, it is time for a refill!
Excess water
However, it is crucial to avoid adding too much water to the water tank.
If you pour too much water inside, there is a risk of overwatering which in turn may cause root rot or unsuccessful germination. To avoid this from happening, the water level indicating float should not rise higher than the garden surface.
The correct float level for a full tank is shown below:
Float filled with water
It can sometimes happen that due to how the Smart Garden 3 float is assembled, its edges might not align properly. This can cause a small gap to appear that will allow water to enter the float, making it display an inaccurate water level.
To remove the water, you can take it out from its slot and leave it on its side to drain.
A faster and simpler solution is to open the float up (which may require some force), drain it, and then re-assemble it while making sure the edges align back together.
You can find a guide on that here:
If needed, replacement floats are available on our Accessories page:
Wicks out of place
Another thing to keep an eye on is the water-transmitting wicks. Sometimes, the wicks that transfer water to the pods have moved out of place. Remove the cup to see if all the wicks are in the same position. If you see that some wicks are pointing out further than others, adjust them accordingly. If your plant pods still seem too wet (which may cause mold or algae to grow on the surface), just click the pods out of the garden for a few days to let them dry. Please note that this could happen in the first stage of growth. The substrate has the same amount of moisture inside, but when the plants are smaller, they need less water which can lead to overwatering in the beginning. That problem should be resolved when plants are bigger and need more water.