Our app has been made as user friendly as possible, however it is a wild one and can cause some trouble from time to time.
What we suggest to our customers is not to panic! There are few things that are worth checking when the app refuses to let you log in and shows any of the following:
1. Check the login details! Make sure you use the correct email address linked to your app account. Please note that you are not able to log in to the app with the same login details which you use for clickandgrow.com. The app is separate and requires a separate account creation.
2. Uninstall and reinstall the app from your phone.
3. Make sure your phone software is up to date. The updates improve the stability of your phone functioning, and remove outdated features which may stop you from signing in to the app.
4. Reset your password. Sometimes a simple password reset can help you solve the logging in issues.
If none of the above is working, please get in touch with our support team via this link. For faster service, please include a screenshot of your app (like the pictures above) in your email to us!
We wish you a hassle free app journey!